“The thoughts and prayers of the entire Vincentian Family will be focusing on Paris… where you, as Successor of St. Vincent, will preside over proceedings and deliberations…” , writes Most Rev. Richard McCullen CM (Province of Ireland), 21st Superior General in 1980 – 1992, to Most Rev. Gregory Gay CM, the present Successor of St. Vincent on occasion of General Assembly. Fr. Greg read the letter during opening session of the Asembly. Now, you can read it, too
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Dear Father Gregory,
May the grace of our Lord be with us forever !
As each hour passes and we drawer closer to the gathering of the delegates for the 41st General Assembly, the thoughts and prayers of the entire Vincentian Family will be focusing on Paris and the modern hall in the Maison-Mére of the Daughters of Charity, where you, as Successor of St. Vincent, will preside over its proceedings and deliberations. May the word of the Lord be a light to your feet and a lamp for your path (Ps. 118)
Over 50 years have passed since the delegates for a General Assembly of our Congregation have gathered in St. Vincent’s City to reflect upon our shared vocation, and to seek the light and guidance of the Holy Spirit on the path along which Divine Providence is leading us.
Holding the sessions of the Assembly within the walls, so to speak, of the Chapel of the Apparitions of our Lady to St. Catherine, will have a special significance for us all. The often cited words of St. Vincent’s conviction about the power of Mary’s intercession will, I am certain, surface to the minds of many of the delegates at moments of decision and perplexity and difficulty.
When the Mother of God has been invoked and taken as patroness in important matters, everything can only go well and accrue to the glory of Jesus her Son…. – and may we be permitted to add,- to promoting the “continual state of renewal of our Congregation” in its untiring work for greater justice, love and peace in our fragmented and divided world.
With warmest greetings to you personally, and to each of the delegates and
translators- and asking a “memento” in your prayers
I am Fraternally
Yours in the Lord
Richard McCullen i.sCM
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