41st General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission in Paris

On Monday, June 28, 2010in Paris the 41st General Assembly of the Gongregation of the Mission has began. Its motto is “CREATIVE FIDELITY TO THE MISSION”. The Assembly is marked by the Year of 350th Anniversary of death of St. Vincent and St. Louise. It is one of the reasons it was organized at Maisons Mere of both Congregations – Priests of the Mission and Daughters of Charity. Chosen in the convocation letter of April 14, 2008 Superior General and his Council have chosen words from our Constitutions as theme for the Assembly: ”Faithful to the gospel…attentive to the signs of the times…open up new ways and use new means…remain in a continual state of renewal” (cf. C. 2). The Opening Mass presided by Fr. Gregory Gay, Superior General, was celebrated at 9 a.m. in the chapel of St.Vincent de Paul at altar where his remains are laid.

There are 137 Confreres participating in the Assembly: 117 delegates, including 7 from the Curia (ex office), 49 Wisitirs (ex office), 59 delegates elected in provincial asseblies and one brother. Team of 14 translators (French English, Spanish and Italian) help delegates understand the debates. Three Sinthetizers, who will moderate panel discussions during the Assembly. Three other persons are responsible for Chronicals and web communication.

Province of  New England is represented by: Very Rev. A. Rafal Kopystynski, the Provincial (ex office) and Rev. Marek W.  Sobczak (delegate, St. Stanislaus Kostka, Brooklyn, NY);

Eastern Province represent: Very Rev.  Nichael J. Carroll, the Provincial (ex office) and delegates, Rev. Alcibiades Guerra (Colon, Panama) and Rev. Dennis Holtschnider (President, DePaul University)

Western Province represent: Very Rev.  Perry F. Henry, the Provincial (ex office)  and delegates, Rev. Thomas J. Stehlik (Little Rock, AR);  Rev. Thomas E. Esselman (Rector, Nairobi, Kenya)

Additonally   Rev. John W. Gouldrick , the Treasuer General (ex office, Eastern) articipates.  Also, Rev. Astor Rodriguez (Eastern), Rev. Joseph Cummings (Eastern), and Rev. Gilbert Walker (Western) are among translators.

♦ ♦ ♦ Official news and other materials from Maison Mere will be published in specially created section of CMGLOBAL.ORG website in English — General Assembly, Spanish — Asamblea General and French — Asémblée Genérale.

♦ ♦ ♦ Those news and some other which come to us from Paris will be available in special news service created as joined effort of Province of Poland and Province of New England. To access our coverage from Paris visit either our English website using Category link : « GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2010 » or Tag link: « CM PARIS 10 » or visit the website of New England Province at: « CMNEWENGLAND.ORG »

♦ ♦ ♦ Relacje po polsku będą dostepne w głównym serwisie Prowicji Polski: « MISJONARZE.PL » w kategorii « KONWENT GENERALNY 2010 » i/lub  polskim serwisie Rodziny Wincentyńskiej «FAMVIN.ORG – POLSKA »

More updates and “Breaking News” will be delivered via TWITTER. Our coverage started during the weekend before the Assembly was opened. This service is also a joined effort of our two Provinces. To follow updates and news this way go to our channels on Twitter: CM_Polonia i CM_NewEngland . News published there are coming either on one channel or anoter. If you want to follow all news together use the Twitter search list « #CMPARIS10 » Our tweets will delivered in Polish and English. Occasionally also in Spanish or/and French.
Facebook users are invited to visit official profile pages of Zgromadzenie Księży Misjonarzy or Vincentians Province New England for news and other information.

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