Greenpoint remembers 30th Anniversary of SOLIDARITY Trade Union

Independent Trade Union SOLIDARITY in Poland is celebrating 30th Anniversary this week. On this occasion the special concelebrated Mass in Polish was given at 11:30 AM, Sunday, August 29 in St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY. Fr. Marek Sobczak CM, pastor, presided and Fr. Jan Urbaniak CM was concelebrant. In this way [...]


SOLIDARITY: sparks of peaceful change and freedom

August 31, 1980, Gdansk, Poland. For the first time in the history of after Yalta Europe communist government signed and agreement with protesting workers. Unlike in 1956 in Budapest and Poznan, 1968 in Prague, 1970 in Gdansk and 1976 in Radom, this time a peaceful protest and strike in many areas of the [...]


May you rest in peace Mr President!

On this sad day, when Poland bids farewell to her President Mr Lech Kaczynski and First Lady Maria Kaczynska we are uniting in grief and sorrow with all Polish people, those living in Poland and those living outside the Homeland wherever they are in the world.

May the belief in [...]


Greenpoint modli się za ofiary tragedii narodowej

Polska społeczność Brooklynu na Greenpoincie zgromadziła się w środę, 14 kwietnia w kościele św Stanisława Kostki aby nawzajem wesprzeć się w czasie Mszy św. pogrzebowej w intencji sobotniej tragicznej katastrofy lotniczej w której Polska straciła swojego Prezydenta i Pierwszą Damę, wicemarszałków Sejmu i Senatu, całe dowództwo sił zbrojnych, duchownych, w tym biskupów i innych [...]


Kościół św. Stanisława Kostki – homilia w czasie Mszy Żałobnej 14 kwietnia

Msza święta żałobna ku czci tragicznie zmarłych w katastrofie samolotu Prezydenckiego w drodze do Katynia 10 kwietnia 2010 r. zgromadziła w kościele św. Stanisława Kostki na Greenpoincie, Brooklyn, Nowy Jork setki wiernych wypełniających świątynię po brzegi w środowy wieczór 14 kwietnia. To druga Msza żałobna w tej intencji odprawiona tutaj od chiwli katastrofy. [...]


Gift from President Kaczynski for St. Stanislaus Kostka Church

During the state visit to USA and United Nations in 2007 President of Poland, Mr. Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria visited St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY. They paid the visit on September 23, 2007. After a time of prayer at the altar they offered the special gift of them – [...]


Fr. Marek Sobczak in NET NY – CURRENTS – interview

NET NY is faith-centered cable TV network based in Brooklyn, New York. On Monday, April 12 in the news program – Currents – they aired an interview with Fr. Marek Sobczak CM, Pastor of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY focused on the recent tragedy which hit Poland – airplane crash with [...]


Mourning Mass at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church – Prayer of the Faithful

Prayer of the Faithful read during the mourning Mass for all those fallen in the airplane crash near Smolensk at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY at 11:30 on Divine Mercy Sunday. This prayer was specially composed for this celebration as joint effort of various Parish groups lead by Pastor, Fr. Marek [...]
